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                                  Creating CUI/CAI Database

                                  Within the CUI distribution you can find a file containing the SQL statements required to create the ebrusr database, this can be found at $CUI_HOME/docs/create_tables.sql. The file contains simple ANSI SQL statements to ensure portability, we advise that this file is edited in order to tune the tables for your database system performance.

                                  Hint: The create_tables.sql attempts to create a database with the name ebrusr. If this clashes with any of your pre-installed applications, then you must change the create database name and update all references to this name in the create_tables.sql file. Don't forget to ensure the DataSource parameter url is updated with the new database name (in your servers configuration file).

                                  Hint: We advise that you change the default users (or at least passwords) that are inserted into the database when you execute the create_tables.sql. This is essential for the CAI user.

                                  ALERT! - WARNING: Do not edit the database, table or column names. If you change any column types, please ensure they will map to the same java.sql.* and javax.sql.* classes.

                                  Most database vendors enable a command line creation of tables using a file containing SQL statements. Please refer to your database documentation for details on how to achieve this. This is an example using MySQL:

                                  mysql -udbusername -p < create_tables.sql

                                  Updating the Database CUI_V0_704 and onwards

                                  ALERT! - WARNING: Do not update the database if you have just created it following the instructions above. This is only to update your existing old database to keep existing users, accounts etc.

                                  The new CUI/CAI release requires that your main database is updated. There will be an update_db.sql file available in the $CAI_HOME/docs/ folder which will include all the SQL to make the changes. Consult your database documentation to use this file. Here is an example of updating using MySQL.

                                  MySQL Updating Example

                                  Locate the $CUI_HOME/docs/update_db.sql file, then run this command:

                                  mysql ebrusr -udbusername -p < update_db.sql

                                  • dbusername is the username the database uses.
                                  • you will be prompted for your password

                                  The changes will now be complete.

                                  -- MarkEarlam - 26 Mar 2004

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                                  Topic revision r1.4 - 19 Oct 2004 - 13:38 GMT - MarkEarlam
                                  Topic parents: WebHome > SoftwareInstallation
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